Zing & Merchology Reduce Single-Use Plastics

At Merchology, we’re consistently focused on bettering ourselves. Protecting the Planet is one of our five Core Values because we want to be responsible for our impact as a merchandising company. We love partnering with brands whose values align with our own—by helping our customers shop sustainable brands for their corporate gifts, we’re doing our part to make the merch world a greener one.

That’s why we’re so thrilled to partner with brands from Zing! The supplier of both the S’well and BUILT brands is committed to providing quality, reusable drinkware and accessories that keep consumers from purchasing single-use plastics. Zing is on a mission to prevent plastic waste from ending up in the ocean, which is why the company began donating 1% of its profits from S’well, BUILT, and Zing to Oceana this August. 

Through this partnership, Zing aims to prevent 100 million plastic bottles from polluting our planet. Plastic pollution is a major threat to the health of ocean ecosystems, directly threatening plant and animal life. It’s a massive goal, but Zing has opted to remain transparent about their progress. The company is posting regular updates and showing which of its distributors are making the largest eco-friendly impacts. As of August, Zing has already prevented 4 million single-use plastic bottles from landing in the ocean.


Zing Celebrates 4 Million Bottle Milestone

Merchology is proud to be on this list of top distributors, reaching second place on the Top 10 list! As a company, we have kept 379,008 plastic water bottles out of the ocean! Merchology’s president, Andrew Ward, made a statement expressing his support for Zing, commenting, “Protecting the planet is one of our core values at Merchology, and when our values align with those of our suppliers it’s a win-win.” We know that it’s going to take a collective effort from the business world to make a sustainable difference and protect the Earth’s future. When our partnerships align in support of sustainability, we know we’re doing something right.

At Merchology, we deeply appreciate when our partner brands follow up on their promises with measurable action, and we’re grateful that Zing is taking real steps toward preventing plastic pollution. Ready to join in on the fight against single-use plastics? Shop branded S’well and BUILT for your team! Looking at the sheer amount of plastic that ends up in our oceans can be disheartening, but your brand can make a bigger difference than you might think: One single reusable water bottle has the power to replace nearly 200 disposable ones! Additionally, when you shop branded S’well and BUILT, you ensure that a part of your spending goes to support Oceana!

Custom S'well Blue Suede Bottle 17 oz Branded Built White 24 oz Cascade Bottle with Handle Lid

Contact Us

Want to jump in on Zing’s initiative and prevent plastic waste? Contact us at Merchology! We can help you get started on your own reusable branded water bottle or drinkware order to help your team members, clients, and business partners create eco-friendly habits that make an impact.